Nadine de Macedo feat. Kate Stanton - Goodbye Warrior
Music,  Release

“Goodbye Warrior” – Forgiveness as secret weapon

Most songs are about fighting for love. What if forgiveness and understanding are the key? “Goodbye Warrior” is about getting to know oneself and understanding that both sides failed. We terminate the relationship gracefully instead of accusing each other.

The idea for “Goodbye Warrior” has been born in 2012. I already knew that this will be a pop song with electronic influences, but I lacked of many blocks to finish this building. Back then, I didn’t play guitar, so I was very happy for Stefan’s help. He also added awesome licks and phrases I could never think of. Many years passed until I found a way to write the intro and bridge to my full satisfaction. The arrangement has been adapted multiple times. Today, I am happy to present you the final song with Kate’s magical voice. This song means a lot to me, cause it took so many hours, days, weeks and years. We love the final version!

Nadine de Macedo feat. Kate Stanton - Goodbye Warrior
Nadine de Macedo feat. Kate Stanton – Goodbye Warrior

As usual, you can listen to the song on my SoundCloud and YouTube channel. We look forward to your comments!

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