The GDPR and the cookie consent only available in German. We try to use as less cookies as possible. Please contact us via e-mail to view or delete the data.

Links and Embeddings

This website does not use social media embeddings. External media is usually linked as text or picture to the official channels and websites of the artist mentioned. You can read the GDPR of the most often linked websites here:

YouTube: GDPR of Google
Instagram: GDPR of Instagram
SoundCloud: GDPR of SoundCloud
Bandcamp: GDPR of Bandcamp
Spotify: GDPR of Spotify


The local analytics plugins WP Statistics and WordPress Popular Posts are installed on this website. We use your data for the purpose of statistical analysis, identification of measures, troubleshooting and failure analysis. No personal data is transferred to the service provider or third parties. Your personal data are anonymized immediately after collection. Personal data are therefore not stored beyond initial processing.