12 random facts about me
The “12 random facts about me” tag is quite known under bloggers. I just listed some interesting details about me and my work, some of you may not know.
- My very first song has been written when I was 8 years old, and it’s called “Destination”. For the sake of fun, Thomas You and I produced it some years ago and uploaded a redone version onto YouTube. I promise not to write and produce dance pop any more, but this one has been a guilty pleasure.
- You don’t see any sketches of my painting, because there are none. I don’t even own a sketchbook.
- I played the piano on “Needless“, “Several Reasons” and “Someone Else’s Song”, but these were recorded as MIDI and quantized (aligning notes to exact tempo). Things are going to change with my new album. On Going My Way you hear my real piano playing without quantization.
- Ever since I own a graphics tablet, I did not touch my watercolours of my colour pencils any more. This is the reason, why my gallery of digital art is more up to date than my gallery of traditional art.
- I don’t like to put my music into boxes, because I listen to various styles of music. Besides, the music I compose is not the music I listen to. But maybe this will change with time.
- Art exhibitions are inspiring and relaxing. I like to visit some on realism, impressionism and concept art, especially gaming art and matte painting.
- I don’t have the faintest idea about music theory, and I can’t read sheet music properly. It’s fine for me, because I like to learn music by listening.
- If an article can be read as blog article, podcast or video, I’d take the blog article for sure.
- I don’t feel related to the term “creative chaos”. I’m a very analytic, structured and focussed person. In my humble opinion, you can be creative without being chaotic.
- I don’t like to be called electronic music producer, because I write pop and rock music for over 15 years. The reason most of my music is electronic is quite simple: You don’t need guitarists or singers.
- My alternative rock internet band The Verge celebrates its 15th anniversary! Thanks for being there!
- I don’t like coffee. I like tea.

One Comment
Happy 15th anniversary to your band!
More tunes like “Open Ended Cue” please <3