Hunk of Junk (don’t fail me now)

“Hunk of Junk” is the result of a digital 4-track collaboration, an annual challenge we play in the internet. I started with a guitar track, then SPH added an organ, Cheslain vocals and Mt. Mélodie drums.
Been driving forever
On this endless highway
Cities gone past
Towns left behind
Crossed over the horizon
So many times, yeah
Scenery flying by the window
My hands are wet on the wheel
My foot is cramping on the pedal
My eyes are weary from staring
At the cone of my headlights
It’s been scorching hot
It’s been freezing cold
I’ve had the sun in my eyes
And the moon shine on my hood
Will I ever get home?
Will this road ever end?
Purgatory of tarmac
I feel like I’ve done my time
My hands are wet on the wheel
My foot is cramping on the pedal
My eyes are weary from staring
At the cone of my headlights
Hunk of junk don’t you fail me now
Miles gone, miles left to go
My hands are wet on the wheel
My foot is cramping on the pedal
My eyes are weary from staring
At the cone of my headlights
Hunk of junk don’t fail me now
©2024 Cheslain