• Kate Stanton & Nadine de Macedo - Deep Heart
    Music,  Release

    Listen to your “Deep Heart”

    Earlier than expected, I’m back with fresh music. Kate Stanton and I release our song “Deep Heart”, as its message is important in times of stress and chaos. We hope that this song will soothe you and help to find your inner peace.

  • Alisa Anton / Unsplash
    General,  Music

    Plans for Autumn

    My album “Going My Way” has been released and promoted in July. You haven’t heard any music since then. Am I planning a new album?! Will I do something completely different? Let’s check out my plans for autumn.

  • Photo by Geert Pieters on Unsplash

    Songwriting in modal scales – Part II

    Some years ago, I extended my songwriting skills by using other scales than major, minor and harmonic minor. I unintentionally wrote songs in dorian and lydian, that have a minor feel but use different notes. This year, I took it one step further and wrote songs in even weirder scales.