Update of my website and YouTube channel
My music is very versatile, and I know that not everybody enjoys every style. So I decided to split my discography of my YouTube channel into different playlists. The music section on this website has also been restructured.
Good Morning Blues – A fresh start
After writing many songs in different styles, I realize the big weight I carried on my shoulders trying to fit into a system I wasn’t made for. I’m back with a brand-new collaboration in a genre I haven’t tried yet.
Songwriting techniques worth trying
Do you have favourite techniques for songwriting? Some artists may develop a certain process to write songs more quickly. In this post, I’ll discuss different processes and methods of songwriting that may help you on how to write a song from scratch.
Wrench In The Works
“Wrench in the works” is probably the loudest waltz I’ve written in my lifetime. It describes the frustration of being stuck. Are you ready for epic and heavy music?
2021 – What a year!
Happy New Year! 2021 has been a very successful year. I never achieved so many things and gained so many experiences in the previous 52 weeks. Let’s take a look back.