New song “Fight for you”
Right after publishing my third studio album, I announced, that I will try out new styles of music. The first song of 2021 is called “Fight for you” and has been recorded and composed in an international collaboration. Let’s figure out, what made this song happen and how it sounds like.
Do you need a signature sound?
A signature sound is a style an artist creates over the years. Most of the time, the singer dominates the sound of a band, but a signature sound can consist of rhythmic patterns, structures, melodies or sound design. It’s the sound that comes straight into your mind, when somebody speaks of a certain band or artist. Just the other way round, an artist with a signature sound can be easily recognized when played in radio stations. Let me share my thoughts.
The story behind “Event Horizon”
I like to read and to listen to background stories. Therefore, I decided to post the background of my current album “Event Horizon”. What is the meaning of the title? Is it a concept album? Do certain songs have an interesting background? Let’s have a deeper look into the backgrounds.
Dark, electronic – “Event Horizon”
If you like dark electronic music, you will enjoy my third studio album “Event Horizon”. It is available on Bandcamp and consists of ten progressive trance, hard trance, hard house and industrial songs. “Event Horizon” is just made for a grim science fiction film taking place in the deepest unknowns of space. Read this article, to understand what inspired me for this album.
How to draw a check shirt
Right after posting the cover of The Verge single “Back In Town” somebody asked me on Instagram, how to draw a check shirt. Since it will take a while until my speed painting is ready, I’d like to sketch how to draw plaids, tartan and stuff. While reading this post, you may also learn, why check shirts are so important in rock music and why these patterns are quite hard to draw.