Don’t pay love back – Pay it forward
Today, I’d like to present a song with a positive message: Don’t pay love back, pay it forward. This citation of Lily Hardy Hammond (1916) inspired my co-musicians to write a song about spreading kindness.
Some months ago, Nadia composed the piano piece “Pay It Forward” about spreading love and kindness. Her work inspired me to arrange into a power ballad by adding a guitar and programming a rhythm section. Caitlin, whose voice you may know from “Angel In Jeans”, joined the collaboration with lyrics and vocals, following the original song idea. It figured that the phrase “don’t pay love back, you pay it forward” was most likely coined in 1916 by author Lily Hardy Hammond in her novel “In The Garden Of Delight”. Later, I decided to add some licks on my nylon acoustic guitar.

Please help us to spread the message of hope, love and kindness to the world. Special thanks to Nadia for starting that idea. We wanted to collaborate months ago and I am glad that it happened. You can listen to the song on SoundCloud, YouTube and Bandcamp. Thanks for your collaboration!