Nebula – An album full of b sides
My album “Nebula” consists of electronic music that has been written in between “Trancemotion” and “Event Horizon”. It is a trip into the void, starting with positive dance tracks and ending up in the darkness you’d expect from “Event Horizon”.
Though this album will be published on Bandcamp, December 6, I will date back the release date to January 26, 2015, because all songs were written and produced between 2004 and 2015. The cover image is shot by Felix, who also shot the photo for “Event Horizon”. Thanks a lot for your stunning artwork!
As usual, I created a preview video on YouTube. This will give you a 10-minute overview of the album, that has a playing time of roughly 52 minutes.

“Nebula” is now available on Bandcamp. There will be a listening party tonight. I would appreciate it if you take your time to listen to these older works and support me on Bandcamp Friday, which is today, December 6. Please remember that on Bandcamp Fridays, all artists get 100% of the revenue.