Stuck in the Quarterlife Blues
The quarter-life crisis is real. Young people who just have finished school or university, get their first job, long-term relationship or housing and keep on asking: Is this it?! Scared, lonely and utterly confused about which steps to take to adulthood, they are stuck taking important decisions on their life. That’s what our song “Quarterlife Blues” is about.
The background story of this song is a happy coincidence. It just happened when I ranted over my inability to play clean bar chords and jammed all kind of open chords I knew. For some reason, they resulted in a catchy non-standard blues progression, so the phrase “Quarterlife Blues” stuck in my head. The groovy bassline also happened, and I recorded a super rough demo on my guitar. Andrea has been immediately inspired to write some lyrics and completely nailed the agitated frustration of a person in their mid 20s. David asked me to sing and add a solo. Thank you, I couldn’t imagine a better team for that song!
I pondered a lot about letting somebody rerecord the guitars, because I started playing guitar 1.5 years ago. We decided that the final version has my original guitar recordings. Sometimes it’s just the magic of the first take, where you have just the right mindset and energy. You can hear my guitar in the intro, rhythm and the acoustic licks.

As usual, you can listen to our song on YouTube and SoundCloud. I hope you enjoy our alternate take to blues rock! Thank you so much for the collaboration.