Take The Black – Epic medieval folk metal
When I wrote “Pyromancer” at the beginning of 2021, I could never have guessed finding a band for fantasy and medieval inspired folk metal in a few hours. The very same band decided to record a successor called “Take The Black”. Are you ready for an epic folk metal fight?
How to get stuff done and get rid of creative debt
People often ask me, how I manage multiple collaborations and projects at the same time and finish so many musical projects. There’s no easy answer, but I try to give some tips and tricks how I handle reoccurring issues and get stuff done.
We cooked some STIR FRY! for you!
New Year’s Eve is full of delicious dishes, and I can hardly tell which one is my favourite. There is a special dish that hits you differently. I chopped some beats and fried the vocals with a very tasty guitar riff. This stir-fry will hit you harder than you are able to chop veggies!
Nuff Said – Everything’s been said
Do you like nu metal? In case you thought it’s some old and forgotten music from the 2000s, it’s time to wake up. “Nuff Said” has catchy riffs, new sounds and a meaningful lyric. You have to listen to that song if you enjoyed “Where does it end?”.
Oh, sings The Wind
A catchy phrase from my newest song, “The Wind”. This ballad has been written in a random collaboration with the Australian musician and lyricist John Nicholson, and performed by me and Dirk Diamond. A very reflective and dark song about death.