Seven Days to Live – A journey into Gothic Pop
Have you ever asked, what are the lyrics of Seven Days To Live about? Are they about a person who is waiting for ever? Is Seven Days To Live just a Gothic Pop song about a broken-hearted person? What is the real story behind that song?
Someone Else’s Song – A new ballad from The Verge
The alternative rock internet band The Verge returns with a brand-new song. As some of you may know, we have tried a lot of genres, but Someone Else’s Song is our first pop rock ballad. Time to close that gap!
The Verge Longplayer “Something you did not know”
My internet band The Verge has finished their long player “Something you did not know”. Our album is an energetic blend of alternative rock, blues rock, pop and punk consisting of 12 songs about daily life. Now we’re coming to the best news:
YouTube channel open
I’ve opened a YouTube channel. My songs, previously unreleased songs and remixes will follow in the next weeks and months. I also plan to upload some speedpaintings of my illustrations and fan arts. The content is available for free.
Pop-House Single Lost Letter released