Trying to Be – A random music collab about attachment theory
Here is a brand-new song from the studio. As every year, we teamed up with four random musicians to create a song based on four tracks. Here is this year’s outcome!
“Goodbye Warrior” – Forgiveness as secret weapon
Most songs are about fighting for love. What if forgiveness and understanding are the key? “Goodbye Warrior” is about getting to know oneself and understanding that both sides failed. We terminate the relationship gracefully instead of accusing each other.
Put the “Pedal To Metal” and rock!
“Pedal To Metal” is a good example of lyrics and genres I would have never tried without having some random weird ideas and the right people. Ready for some vintage fun? Here’s your new favourite rock’n’roll song.
“Hunk of Junk” – An endless roadtrip
Another digital 4-track collaboration that resulted in an awesome song. “Hunk of Junk” is the endless trip on a broken down car going nowhere.
Going Nowhere – A song prompt that led somewhere
In February, I wrote a song based on a prompt. It’s been an interesting exersize to write a song within an hour. The draft took 40 minutes, but I needed 3 more hours for mixing and production. Here is the result.