Seven Days to Live – A journey into Gothic Pop
Have you ever asked, what are the lyrics of Seven Days To Live about? Are they about a person who is waiting for ever? Is Seven Days To Live just a Gothic Pop song about a broken-hearted person? What is the real story behind that song?
Adagio of Life – A melancholic trance tribute
Adagio of Life is an epic trance tribute about the beauty of life and transience. I have written this epic trance hymn in 2005. This melancholic masterpiece contains a theme that consists of sixteen measures. Its background is very interesting since it intentionally reminds of the golden era of trance.
September – Songwriting and Arrangement
The alternative rock song “September” of The Verge uses interesting songwriting and arrangement techniques. Each step was carefully planned. I would like to present them in this blog post. An exclusive insight to songwriting and music arrangement of alternative rock music.
Let me go – Writing a song in a dream
Have you ever heard about songwriting in dreams? In 2007, I dreamt about a rock concert of a fictional alternative rock / post grunge band called The Verge. Their song Let me go and stuck in my mind. In the next morning, I did my best to reproduce chords, lyrics and riffs of the song I dreamt of. This ain’t a simple task, if you never played guitar before.